Why do you trust any news anchor?
Do you trust them more than your partner, your boss, your friends? Why?
They take no oath, no creed, no obligation to be truthful - at all.
But credit where credit is due, they speak the King's English confidently - they read their teleprompters very well. The Newspeak is well crafted to be enraging and palatable for the masses. But, who writes the content?
What is being said is less important that what isn't being said.
Who are they? What do you know about your favorite news anchor? Do you know more about them then others you trust with important information that affects your life?
Why do you believe you are receiving the truth - all of it...most of it?
If people are kept away from information through cleverly 'justified' censorship by media platforms, how does one also have freedom of choice. One cannot have choice in darkness. Darkness, censorship, forced ignorance is submission by manipulated compliance.
Why are social media companies censoring citizens? They say it is to protect your delicate mind...who elected them to do so? Further - who is deciding what a citizen can "should" be informed about and why? Do you think their is no bias? From unelected individuals who have power over who is silenced and who is not.
Do you get the Orwellianism yet? It isn't from a businessman who got elected into office that is creating and generating the Orwellian state - in fact, you only are aware of this because the beast is upset. Or, one could say, "he didn't start the fire - it was already burning since the world has been turning."
Here you will find news you don't hear/won't hear from the promoted sources.
Take it or leave it, but at least be wise enough to take in information that isn't fed to the masses. Use your energy to investigate yourself. Don't be a sheeple, people.
This will be updated as S.H.T.F. and as it is covered up by the megalomaniac-media.
Think in Newspeak, clips from George Orwell's "1984" Directed by Michael Radford
More to come.