Mockingbird Media
The more we sell ourselves to online social media, legacy media, and inter-connectedness via AI and convenient tech, the more we are able to have our thoughts, actions predicted and thus controlled. Let's take a 'humorous' example, did you ever ask yourself how there is an algorithm that a pop-news site like Buzzfeed has that aims to predict what sports you'd like by answering questions about what your favorite dessert is - where do they get that data?
Always remember, when something is free - you are the product.
Social engineering is made possible by programs that originated by a faction within our country that aimed for ultimate control of other nations. And then they turned that force on us. Project Mockingbird and Project Paperclip go hand in glove - paperclip, the importing of Naht-zi thought leaders and harvesting the data their [human] experiments and Mockingbird, infiltrating education systems, religious systems, and new media networks with government influence to tailor information that is given to consumers. Social engineering of a whittles public - ah, but don't say it out loud or the 'fact checkers' will say you're a conspiracy theorists! Scary!
Link to digi scan of CIA FOIA Declass:
"Final report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, United States Senate "
Although its operational arena is outside the United States, CIA clandestine operations make use of American citizens as individuals or through American institutions. Clandestine activities that touch
American institutions and individuals have taken many forms and are effected through a wide variety of means : university officials and professors -provide leads and make introductions for intelligence purposes; scholars and journalists collect intelligence; journalists devise and place propaganda...