A World of Shadow Puppets
Demand Full Disclosure
Little by little, bits, morsels and pieces of our divine rights and freedoms - given by one's mere existence and theoretically 'protected' by governments - have been used against us. YOU. Humanity has been kept long-con deceived, seduced, hypnotized, mal-nourished, spirit depleted and feasted upon, over-stimulated, numbed, shamed, held captive in fear, and distracted. Very, very, distracted. The everyday reality that is presented to you is crafted *to be* accepted by the masses - - crafted by those in power, for the their satisfaction.
Society is a Psy-op, but humanity is divine.
We, the 99% must remember and take back the power from the machinations of the 1%.
ShadowGate Banned from ytubes. Thanks, Bitchute
Globalists Agenda 2021/2030, the so-called 1% want to fear the 99% into eventual complete slavery. A brief synopsis: